05 January 2023
Whilst it’s unseasonably warm at the time we are writing this, we know that colder weather is probably just around the corner, and with colder temperatures your vehicle batteries are under increased pressure to perform.

Whilst it’s unseasonably warm at the time we are writing this, we know that colder weather is probably just around the corner, and with colder temperatures your vehicle batteries are under increased pressure to perform.
To help you avoid the winter battery blues we’re sharing some advice from our friends at Banner Batteries, to help you avoid starting problems in winter and generally keep your battery capable of maintaining full power for longer.
These six tips will help you get more power out of your battery whatever make it is.
1. Get off to a good start
In cold conditions, the starting power of your vehicle’s battery decreases. In order to continue to guarantee good starting performance, do not switch on additional consumers such as fans, heating, etc. until the engine is already running and switch them off again before switching off the engine.
2. An extra charge can help
If you make multiple trips over short distances in cold conditions, then your vehicle can use more power than the alternator can produce to both bower your immediate needs and recharge the battery. The battery can therefore be permanently discharging. Avoid issues by treating your battery to an extra boost of external recharging with an external charger (call us and we’ll suggest one that will work well for your vehicle). We especially recommend that you do this before any forecast of winter cold sets in.
3. Need to jump start? Make sure you do it properly!
Of course, you can pretty much rely on your battery if it has been well maintained. But suppose your neighbour is struggling to start their car? Of course, you jump in to help and want to show off by quickly and simply performing a jump start. Learn how to perform a jump start properly, BEFORE you need to do it for real.
4. Planning a winter hibernation for your car?
Are you putting your car to sleep for colder months? Fine, but you should ensure the battery is stored in a dry and cool, but frost-free, place. The battery must be regularly tested and recharged when a minimum of an open-circuit voltage of 12.5 V is reached. Alternatively, you can save yourself a lot of hassle by hooking your battery up to a trickle charger. For more tips on hibernating your battery read this hand article on the Banner website.
5. Think Active Battery
In cold weather inactive batteries can discharge faster than in summer months so you need to think about keeping your battery Active. In inactive batteries lead sulphate is deposited on the lead plates, this hinders the flow of the current reducing battery capacity and cold start performance. Again, a retention charger (call us and we’ll suggest one that will work well for your vehicle) keeps the battery active and prevents sulphation.
6. Keep a Clean Machine
Keep the battery surface clean and dry with an antistatic cloth. Clean – wiping down your battery surface with an antistatic cloth minimises the risk of electrostatic discharge. Keeping the engine compartment dry prevents moisture causing leakage currents to form which can discharge your battery much more quickly.
We’re here to help you get batteries and electricals right
For a great range of batteries as well as a selection of chargers, trickle chargers, jump leads, cleaning products and other battery and electrical system parts, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly counter team for advice or to order whatever you need.